Sunday, May 02, 2004

Uncle Sam Agrees

"Nobody likes to see dead people on their television screens"--GW Bush

And that is why I am having a hard time watching John Kerry.

The hand gestures. Jeez, that alone.

The turns of phrase. How many times can you hear: “and I tell you this…and I say this…”?

Then there’s all this recent questionable stuff:

The SUV claim
The $1,000 haircut
The medals stuff
The botoxy looks-like-hell un-American wife. I don’t know what drugs she’s been doing most of her life, but she has lived pretty hard. She ain’t no Laura Bush.

But the real critique is that he won’t say:

George Bush represents a cabal of powerful moneyed interests that had long-planned to invade Iraq. Whether or not he knew more than he’s telling us, or should have known more than he did, about 9-11, he used it to pursue a policy that was already in place, and that he had not been honest with the American people about. And, due to his and his team’s arrogance, he failed to appreciate how crucial an international coalition was to success. Or worse, he was so greedy about making sure all the spoils that came from controlling the region would benefit his friends that he, accidentally or on purpose, failed to acknowledge what was required to be successful. The threat represented by 9-11 is not something the US can militarize our way out of. Terrorism comes from the hearts and minds of people who feel sufficiently mistreated that they see it as the only option. When 9-11 happened, we had the world on our side. Indeed, the US never had the sympathies and support of the world as we did after that incident. And yet, in only 2 and a half years, we have sufficiently alienated the world to the point that we have never been so hated, or so unsafe from terrorism. I don’t know if George Bush is evil, or an idiot, but he is bad for America, and we have got to elect somebody else President in 7 months. I will…

Anyways, that’s kind of what Dean was saying, what Kucinich and Brown and Sharpton of course said, what Lieberman, Gore, Gephardt and Edwards would never say, and what would need to be said to win. But it will never be said, and therefore we will not win.

~ Axil

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